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Manufacturing organisations have switched their production lines over to automated software bots as a result of robotic process automation. Automation has reduced operational expenses for product assembly, quality control, packing, and back-end procedures by 40%. The following are the main usage cases:

BOM Made Easy

Details are provided in the Bill of Components, which also includes a breakdown of the raw materials needed to create a new product. Product creation is accelerated by using RPA, which also guarantees timely and correct creation.

Data Migration - By using RPA instead of traditional data migration methods, data may be moved from outdated to more modern systems with proper planning and execution, resulting in time and cost savings.

ERP Automation  

With the deployment of RPA, resource planning is made simpler. Auto-generated reports include those for managing inventory, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Other sectors that use robotic process automation techniques outside of these important ones include the following: